












來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-04-04



Our homeroom teacher Kaitlyn deliberately came up with an IDEA as a small surprise before the students leaving last week - Because there are three of our graders were forced to leave because of house moving and their parents’ jobs.


I believe that you can imagine the picture for leaving your friends - Hugging and saying goodbyes, and even crying till the last moment. I can understand because I had also anxious about transferring to another school.


Today is the end of the semester of my school. I received my first year round scholarship at the closing ceremony. (I'm really thankful to everyone for supporting me!)So next, let me share you about the changes of me in this school year~


The First Change:

Understood successful is not determined by your grades.


I am sure that everyone understands "excellence is not determining by your grade", but after experiencing it by myself, I really felt something different from what I was thinking before.


In fact, we should not regard the scores as heavy. High schools and universities are just experiences. It is a practice. The knowledge acquired is secondary, cause the most important thing is to learn how to live and be a good person.


The achievements are important, but not the most important. It is just a starting point. A achievement condition right now cannot determine the happiness of future life. The thing that determines all of this is our own efforts.


I am very glad that I was able to realize that it is important to have a "high-level plan" before everything starts at age 13


After my personal test, the success of most things is the result of planning. A good plan, including directions, methods, and error correction, it is designed to guide your practices, improve your coordination and regulation.


As long as you take ten minutes to prepare a simple plan, things will be much clearer when they are executed. So, I made my own plan and be my own queen.


This is the plan and result I have made:


Plans that done at svhool everyday……


Plans that showed during the meetings with my family……



千聊知識分享平臺:Pinkie 平的課堂


The habit of doing things can determine one's fate. Most of the habits come from our day-to-day hard work, which comes from the one percent natural advantage and the ninety-nine percent adjustment by yourself.


Also, please believe that most of the things I have done are based on my own efforts, with no opportunities and no coincidences.


The Second Change:

Understood the stereotypes in the society now.


This is a cognitive error that many people who initially came into contact with international education are guilty of misunderstanding: International schools are made for escape from college entrance exams and tests, and it is considered extremely easy for international students to study.


Have I got a lot of holidays?


In fact, the majority of students’ homes in the school are far away. We can't see our parents everyday. And as a student in residential school, although our spare time is managed by ourselves, we still have to strictly abide by the school rules. We can only go out once on the weekend to see our parents once. It was a kind hard training when we leave home at the very beginning.


And even I have holidays, they are not for me to play. My vacations are all fully packed and I have no time to play games. However, project learning is the best game for me.


Is there no stress in my learning process?


It is very interesting for foreigners to give lectures, but this is not as fun as you imagined. We are always having quizzes, tests, examinations, and some projects that you will never see in the public schools. To be honest, if there is one thing haven’t done in a great score, the average GPA will decline sharply. This GPA is the decisive factor in applying for our dream university.


I actually wanted to tell the world - There is nothing in the world in which situation called a success is done by no pressure.


To say that international schools are easy, I once saw a friend in Beijing International School on the forum to say about this topic:


International school students can not compare with traditional school students, because we learn all subjects from scratch in non-native language and we have sociology and English (even Spanish) that we have to focus on more. Despite to other languages, we still need to study. In addition, we have different kinds of work to solve.


From this simple example, I carefully recalled that in fact the international school had given me is not profound knowledge as traditional schools. It just created an environment that let us learn the things helpful for us in the future.


The Third Change:

Understood managing yourself is more important than managing others.



People are always strict for others and generous for themselves.

This is the nature of human beings and it is the bad nature of human beings.


Some people are smart, they view themselves by the words from others. But what is a pity is that some people are silly and only listen to good things. They do not know that "bitter medicine is good, and good advice is againsting their ears." In this way, it is difficult for them to have a clear understanding of their own shortcomings.


Make an analogy that adults will be familiar with:If a company's BOSS urges employees to do their work every day, but the Boss himself shirk his own cases for a variety of reasons: I am busy, I have no time. Do you think this company can work well?


Therefore, managing yourself is harder than managing others, but it is more critical and important than managing others.


I found that every time when I go through something, my values of life are added new insights to everything.


In fact, the future is not far away, so what is more important is to do everything in my hands and I can foresee my future.


”Pinkie’s words for all of us:"I don't know how many stars there are, and how can I wipe out this lingering attachment when I'm obsessed with waving a wave. Even if the scenery in the future is more beautiful and better, I can't throw it over and show my smile, despite my life. It's really hard to say goodbyes when we should say goodbye. So. Please cherish the moment you are in now.

"嘻嘻~當然我也很期待見到明年的新同學們哦!Of course, I'm also looking forward to my new classmates next year~


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